
The art of handling air

Sustainability Report 2023  Sustainability Report 2023   

Sustainability Report 2023 


Ongoing global warming is endangering the most basic commodity in our lives - our health. Protecting it requires honest commitment and visionary ideas. TROX is leading the way, because what we want to see in terms of decisive action at a political level when it comes to climate protection, we are willing to do ourselves. This includes transforming visions into climate-protecting solutions in a consistent, goal-oriented and timely manner, because every small action can bring about significant change.For this reason, TROX has developed a correspondingly far-sighted sustainability strategy. The core of this strategy is to achieve climate neutrality by 2040 - and as this can only be achieved through many small steps, interim targets have been defined, which of course must and will also be achieved. TROX has therefore also had its sustainability performance in 2023 audited by EcoVadis, the world's largest and most reliable provider of sustainability ratings for companies. The result: the TROX GROUP is among the top 35% of all companies rated by EcoVadis.In the Sustainability Report 2023, you can find out which sustainability topics, goals and measures we have driven forward and continue to drive forward. You can download the Sustainability Report 2023 here: Sustainability Report 2023

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Technologie voor mensen Nieuwe TROX producten

Technologie voor mensen

Nieuwe TROX producten

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TROX ACADEMY Kachel Je kan nooit stoppen met leren TROX ACADEMY

Je kan nooit stoppen met leren


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Focus op mensen. Carrière bij TROX

Focus op mensen.

Carrière bij TROX

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